

Jun 21, 2023

5 Of The Best Android Auto Wireless Adapters For Your Car

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Buying a new car nowadays will likely result in one equipped with Android Auto. Many of the new options come with a wireless version of Android Auto that will allow you to sync your phone with ease. However, some vehicles will make you plug your phone, and that creates an inconvenience for some people.

There's a way to get around this issue, and that's by buying a wireless dongle. You can pick up a little device that plugs in where your phone would go, but it'll let your phone remain wireless while still taking advantage of the features offered by Android Auto. You won't be charging your phone at the same time, but that's a price some are willing to pay.

It won't add Android Auto to a car that doesn't have it already, so don't go into it thinking that's the case. If you're simply looking to untether your phone from your car, you can pick up one of the many adapters on the market.

Let's get things started with a known and trusted brand: Motorola. Although it is best known for its smartphones, it has quite a few accessories available on the market, including an Android Auto dongle. For about $90, you can pick up the MA1 and convert your car from wired to wireless in no time. The MA1 features 5G connection speeds, so there should be little to no lag between your phone and this device.

The dongle itself is rather small, so it shouldn't feel like it's ever in the way. This means you can have it tucked away in a secure spot without worrying about it flopping around all over the place. The main draw is the ability to automatically sync when you enter the car. In a perfect world, you won't even know you have this attached. It comes with a gel pad that will help keep it secured in place.

If you're looking for more flexibility, such as the ability to add apps like Netflix or YouTube to your Android Auto screen, then the ACYWOBI 3-in-1 adapter has you covered. This not only brings a wireless version of Android Auto, but it also adds Apple CarPlay to the mix. Keep in mind you can't mix and match the two apps. If your car only has Android Auto, it won't get Apple CarPlay from this.

The obvious drawback here is that it will run you $180 usually ($150 during a sale). If you're only looking for Android Auto support, there are much cheaper options out there. However, if you want the ability to do more — possibly having a friend cast something from their YouTube app — then the ACYWOBI option will work perfectly. The worst-case scenario would be buying an Android Auto adapter only to find out you want it to do more. If you foresee that happening to you, just shell out a bit more money beforehand so you don't run into that problem.

The CarlinKit CarPlay option supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. What makes this one interesting is it doesn't need a phone at all to operate. All you'll need is a SIM card to make it work, but if you have that, you're in business. This will still work fine with a phone, but it just opens a whole new avenue without needing to have one. Of course, the ability to do this comes at a price — a hefty price tag of nearly $300. This effectively puts it out of the price range for many people, and most people won't have an interest in using this without a phone.

If you're outside of North America looking at this option, the manufacturer does warn you could run into issues with this product. That's enough reason for people to stay clear from other parts of the globe, but this could be a perfect fit for you and your needs if you're in the United States or Canada.

The Carsifi wireless Android Auto adapter takes things back to the basics and creates a fully plug-and-play experience. This one is as simple as taking it out of the box, plugging it into a USB slot in your car, and connecting your phone. It comes in at a similar price as the Motorola option from earlier, and it makes a lot of sense. Both of these devices are largely the same, so it really comes down to picking a brand you like or finding one of the two on sale. Ultimately, it's tough to go wrong with either of them.

With this being a basic Android Auto adapter, don't expect to find things like YouTube or Netflix on this device. This is instead something you use to simply untether your phone by connecting to an adapter instead of having to plug your phone into the USB slot. If that's what you're looking for, the Carsifi choice is perfect.

The OTTOCAST U2-X Pro brings both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support, so it's interchangeable with the type of car you have. Although it costs $150, it brings some features to justify the higher price tag. Outside of the dual support, it boasts low latency between the device and your phone, meaning there shouldn't be any delays.

The UI is redesigned from some of the older models, so it should be simple to use for anybody. You're also able to switch between connected devices with ease as well. All in all, it's a nice selection of features you're getting here despite the price.

Of course, not everybody needs features like this, so do research beforehand about what you need and don't need. If you just want to have your phone connected while driving, other options on the list will more than suffice. If you want more bang for your buck, the OTTOCAST is a good device.